Bethesda Fellowship Choir1

Sings second Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.  Age 20 and above.
Hopeful Choir

Young Adult Ministry1

Meets the first Wednesday of each month, this ministry strives to meet the spiritual and social needs of our young adult population. For suggestions and comments, please email us at

Audio Visual Ministry1

Vision Statement

The Audio-Visual Ministry provides a broad range of media that enriches, enhances and cultivates the worship experience for the church and community at-large. As a result through audio and visual technology, the body of Christ is ministered to and edified.

Ministry Goals and Objectives

  1. Responsible for all audio and visual media for the church.  This includes but is not limited to: coordination of video             equipment such as televisions and VCRs, overhead projectors, and screens
  2. Responsible for developing and/or assisting with visual presentations during specials services and the providing visual aids for the morning and /or evening announcements
  3. Project and provide quality audio and video during the worship experience
  4. Reproduction and archiving of services to include: morning and evening worship services, communion and other              special events
  5. Reproduction and distribution of CD and taped media from worship services and special events.  These CDs and             tapes are produced for sale (at a normal fee) to the congregation following each morning service
  6. CDs and tapes are also provided to minister to the sick and shut-in as well as visitors; and
  7. Providing training for individuals on the proper use and care of equipment.

Prayer Meeting/Bible Class1

Tuesday – Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Bible Class 8:00 p.m.
(except on the Tuesday after the first Sunday, which is Baptism)

Thursday – Prayer Meeting 11:00 a.m.
Bible Class 11:30 a.m.